MATLAB: I want to use the system webcam as input to the videoinput but unable to fine the adaptors on the matlab list so please tell me to find. i am using matlab2016a

Image Acquisition Toolboxvideoinputwebcam

Error using videoinput (line 233) There are no devices installed for the specified ADAPTORNAME. See IMAQHWINFO.
Error in webcamera_dct (line 5) vid = videoinput('qimaging',1);

Best Answer

You either need to use imaqtool() to register a third party adaptor from the pulldown menus. Or you need install the webcam support package from the main MATLAB Apps tab-> Addons menu
"MATLAB Support Package for USB Webcams version by MathWorks Image Acquisition Toolbox "
"Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for OS Generic Video Interface"
Type webcam and camera and generic into the search field of the "Add on explorer" window to find these packages.