MATLAB: I want to take difference of column A (first column in sheet_1) and column B (also first column in sheet_2). Output should be file C in workspace.


Hi, Following question can easily be solved in Excel, But i want to run Matlab code because i have hundreds of file and can't do excel merging or copy pasting columns in new sheets for whole life. Therefore, I want this in matlab. I want to take difference of column A (first column in sheet_1) and column B (also first column in sheet_2). Output should be file C in workspace. A B C 36 33 3 34 31 3 25 34 -9 19 31 -12
Thanks you!

Best Answer

So you have excel file containing two sheets. And you want to:
  • subtract numbers in column A in sheet_2 from numbers in column A in sheet_1
  • save (just) these differences to excel file named 'C.xlsx'
Is that right? Then you can do this:
A = xlsread('myFile.xlsx', 'sheet_1');
B = xlsread('myFile.xlsx', 'sheet_2');
xlswrite('C.xlsx', A(:,1)-B(:,1) );
In this case input file is 'myFile.xlsx' and names of first and second sheet are sheet_1 and sheet_2. If you don't know exact names, but you know that it's always first and second sheet, you can replace names with their numbers.