MATLAB: I want to sum the loop result which the result is indicates the total of selected input

please help me how to produce the total of selected input for loop

disp('Please vote for your candidates'); a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4;
for y=1:5
x=input('your candidates= ')
w = sum(a)
x = sum(b)
y = sum(c)
z = sum(d)

Best Answer

You can code it as belows:
disp('Please vote for your candidates'); a=1; b=2; c=3; d=4;
result = [];
for y=1:5
x = input('your candidates= ');
result = [result x];
w = nnz(result == a)
x = nnz(result == b)
y = nnz(result == c)
z = nnz(result == d)
Using vector concatenation and nnz(number of non-zero) function.