MATLAB: I want to resize the images of whole database and then replace it with the same images. The problem is how to create or access the database for images.

image datasetMATLAB

Here is the code I tried for resizing and replacing …
Kindly help me thanks.
Database = imageSet('Palm','recursive');
for i=1:size(training,2)
for j = 1:training(i).Count
Database((i),j)=image; %for replacing the same image

Best Answer

Database = imageSet('Palm','recursive');
for i=1:size(training,2)
Filenames = Database(i).Locations;
for j = 1:training(i).Count
imwrite(image, Filenames{j}) ;
This code is not recommended. Every time you run it, it will shrink the files by the same factor. If there is a problem part way through such as a file permissions problem then you would need to move the files that had already been processed to a different directory or else they would get shrunken again.
It would be safer if you specified an output size instead of a scaling factor: then it would not matter how many times you ran the code on the same file.
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