MATLAB: I want to plot a graph as shown below, For that non linear system, i have written a Matlab script but i can’t really identify how do i plot such graph.

MATLABnon-linear system

%% WaterTank MATLAB Script
syms h(t)
Dh = diff(h);
A = 20; a = 2; b = 5; U = 0:0.1:1.0; V = 1;
watertank = 1*diff(h,t) - (1/A)*b.*V - (1/A)*a*sqrt(h) == 0;
soln = dsolve(watertank, h(0) == 0, Dh(0) == 0);
figure(1), clf
figure(2), clf
Zulauf means Inlet (denoted in the script as 'U')
Fullstand means Height of the tank (denoted in the script as 'h')

Best Answer

Hello Yash,
If issue you are facing is in plotting the graphs in one figure, you can use the hold command while plotting.
And, to add a title to the graph and label the axes, you can visit this documentation page and see if it helps.