MATLAB: I want to make a function with save option.

I have the following code in my script (this code looks for the file in directory and save with filename#, numbering sequentially).
%To save several files with same name and numbering each file
mylist=dir('file*.dat');%see in the current folder if the file with same name exists

number=length(mylist);%number of files with name 'file'
filename=sprintf('file_%d.dat',number+1);%name the file with number

save(filename,'LP','-ascii')%save the file in .dat format

I want to make this a function so that I can use it in several places by just calling the function. I did like following, but not working!
function [ output_args ] = saveseq( filename, variable )
mylist=dir('filename*.dat');%see in the current folder if the file with same name exists
number=length(mylist);%number of files with name 'filename'
filename=sprintf('filename_%d.dat',number+1);%name the file with number
save(filename,'variable','-ascii')%save the file in .dat format
it is saying 'name' and 'variable' are unused!.. how can I feed 'filename' and 'variable' into the code so that it can be used as a function?

Best Answer

The problem is in the way you're handling the variables. Basically, the inputs to your function in this case are taken as variables, but you're never using the variables inside the function (because of the way you've defined it), basically:
To call the function, use
savesq('name1', 'variable1')
then, inside the function, use
string1=sprintf('_%d.dat', number+1)
save(filename1, variable, '-ascii')