MATLAB: I want to import image on app designer with drop down button

app designerimport image

Hello everyone.
I want to import image on app designer. Also, I would like to swith the image when drop down items changed.
How can i do it?
% Value changed function: PatientIDDropDown
function PatientIDDropDownValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.PatientIDDropDown.Value;
if (value=='5648834')
I1 = imshow('CT1.png', 'Parent', app.image)
elseif (value=='5648834')
I2 = imshow('CT2.png', 'Parent', app.image)
elseif (value=='5648834')
I3 = imshow('CT3.png', 'Parent', app.image)
elseif (value=='5648834')
I4 = imshow('CT4.png', 'Parent', app.image)
I make my code like above. However I got error message
Specify a UIAxes as the value for 'Parent'.
Best regard, SUE

Best Answer

Your error message tells you exactly what you need to do.
"Specify a UIAxes as the value for 'Parent'."
It looks like you're using the correct syntax but app.image apparenlty is not a UIAxes. You should assign a UIAxes as parent.
I1 = imshow('CT4.png', 'Parent', app.UIAxes)
% ^^^^^^^^^^ whatever your axis handle is
Also, instead of using if-elseif, consider using a switch case,
switch value
case '5648834'
I1 = imshow('CT1.png', 'Parent', app.image);
case '5648834'
I2 = imshow('CT2.png', 'Parent', app.image);
case '5648834'
I3 = imshow('CT3.png', 'Parent', app.image);
case '5648834'
I4 = imshow('CT4.png', 'Parent', app.image);
error('Did not recognized patient ID ''%s''.', value)
Lastly, all of your conditions (and all of my cases) are the same value '5648834' which must be a mistake.