MATLAB: I want to get the max value from a column matrix from a specific no of rows

script code program

suppose i have a 269712×1 column matrix ,from the matrix i want to find the max value from each 8760 rows and in this way i have to get 1 value from each 8670 rows which are repeated 30 times. How do i proceed?

Best Answer

Let A is your given data column matrix, and m is matrix of maximums of each 8760 rows
for i=1:30
m(i)=max(max(A((i-1)*8760 +1 : i*8760)));
We are using max(max()) because max(X) gives row of maximum value of each column. Alternatively, you can use
for i=1:30
m(i)=max(A((i-1)*8760 +1 : i*8760));