MATLAB: I want to find the standard deviation of each data point in the matrix.

data analysisstandard deviation

I have a matrix of data, where a majority of the data is close to zero. I want to find the standard deviation of each data point in the matrix. For example, if one point is two standard deviations away from zero I would like its value to represent that. I don't know exactly how the std fuction works but it doesn't appear do do what I want.

Best Answer

If you have R2018a or later, use the normalize (link) funciton. It returns the z-scores of your data.
Otherwise, this produces the same result as normalize using the 'zscore' method:
x = randn(10,1); % Create Data Vector
zsc = (x-mean(x))./std(x); % Calculate Z-Score
Both operate primarily on columns, or on a single vector. The normalize function allows you to operate over rows as well.