MATLAB: I want to find the average of a matrix from excel in MATLAB


I would like to find the average of the matrix found in the spreadsheet attached in MATLAB. I calculated my results manually, but would like to find it through MATLAB. I wrote the following code, but was returned an incorrect value:
sheet = 1;
xlRange = 'A1:E7449';
Data = xlsread('data.xlsx', sheet, xlRange);
AvgData= mean(Data);
I received the following output:
NaN 0.0874718684775714 NaN NaN NaN
However, the output should be:
I would also like to know if there's a way to find data that is repeated in each column and record it.

Best Answer

will do what you want.
You need nanmean rather than mean, because Data has NaN values in it, due to the columns being different lengths.
You need Data(:) rather than Data, because you want the mean of all the values as one vector, rather than the means of each column.
You should be able to use the unique command to find the repeated data elements.