MATLAB: I want to find out the x,y co-ordinates of the minor and major axis of an elliptical shaped portion in the Image.

image analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboxmajoraxislengthminoraxislength;regionprops

I have a binary image, in that I have a shape similar to an ellipse(this ellipse is distorted a bit). I want to find out the major and minor axes of that ellipse. I have tried using regionprops. C=regionprops(H,'ConvexHull','MinorAxisLength','MajorAxisLength'); It is of no help as it gives me only the length of it and not the co-ordinates of those points that after being joined gives us the minor and major axes respectively. It would be really nice if you could help me find the endpoints of those axes.

Best Answer

Use bwboundaries() to get the perimeter (x,y) coordinates, then use the FAQ:
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