MATLAB: I want to explain a detailed classification of .. For example, what is k? I am also checking on breast cancer and I want to help you understand the code ,

classificationImage Processing Toolboxk nearest neighborsknnStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

this code:
distances = getEuclideanDistances(trainingData,data); % distances : N2 X N1
[sorted idx] = sort(distances,2);
if K==1
result = mode(classID(idx(:,1:K))',2)';
result = mode(classID(idx(:,1:K)),2)';
function dist = getEuclideanDistances(x1,x2)
[dim N1] = size(x1);
[dummy N2] = size(x2);
dist = zeros(N2,N1);
for i=1:1:N2
dx = x1 - repmat(x2(:,i),1,N1);
dist(i,:) = sqrt(sum(dx.*dx,1));

Best Answer

Not sure exactly. If it works, then it was defined somewhere, presumably up above (before) the code that you posted. It seems to be like the user wants to have only K columns of the idx array be involved in arriving at the result.
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