MATLAB: I want to conver the excel dateformat(’27-03-2013 06:00:00′) in to matlab yearday i.e 31 jan 2013 = 31 and `1st Feb 2013 = 32

excell date to matlab date

need to convert excell date ('27-03-2013 06:00:00') format into Matlab datevec or datestr and then further conver it into year day format which of the type 40.5 which means 9th Feb afternoon. where the number after the decimal refers to time.

Best Answer

t = {'27-03-2013 06:00:00' % in text form, apparently from Excel
'09-02-2013 12:00:00' } % an example mentioned in question
t = datetime(t, 'Inputformat', 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss') % becomes MATLAB datetime
ival = t - datetime(year(t), 1, 1) % becomes elapsed interval since the start of the year (1st Jan same year)
ival = days(ival) % we're just interested in the number of days
result = double(ival)+1 % convert into standard number, adding 1 because 01-Jan is day 1 not day 0
Note that datetime can process numeric Excel dates directly. I inferred from your question you want the relative day number for any year, starting at day 1 on 1st Jan.
Hope this helps