MATLAB: I want to bend an image

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

Dear community,
I have this 720×720 image and want to do a spatial transform in a way that a horizontal line will become a U-shape. So depending on the x-coordinate the rotation/translation will be different. Simply put the left side should rotate a bit clockwise and the right side counterclockwise.
Any thoughts?
nParts = 15;
iWidth = size(IM,2)/nParts;
iRotation = (-(nParts-1)/2:(nParts-1)/2)*2;
for iPart = 1:nParts;
K(iPart) = {imrotate(IM(:,iPart*iWidth-
This is what I came up with only now the K(i) elements have to be combined, or even better solution would be a single transformation matrix, like:
x' = x*?*cos(t) + y*?*sin(t)
y' = -x*?*sin(t) + y*?*cos(t).
Kind regards,

Best Answer

Sorry I don't have time this morning to fix it or complete it for you. See Steve's blog: for guidance.