MATLAB: I want apply corner detection in image but show error ??? Attempt to execute SCRIPT corner as a function: please help me

Image Processing Toolboxteaching matlab

%codeing at below and i am using matlab 2011a
x= imread('Lena.tif'); c = corner(x,'Harris'); imshow(imadjust(x)); hold on plot(c(:,1), c(:,2), 'g*');
when you run the error show:
??? Attempt to execute SCRIPT corner as a function: E:\corner.m
Error in ==> Untitled at 4 c = corner(x,'Harris');

Best Answer

It seems to run fine for me..I just executed your code with my image.
x= imread('spine.jpg');
c = corner(x,'Harris');
hold on
plot(c(:,1), c(:,2), 'g*');