MATLAB: I used the following code to create a graph with two y axis. Everytime I push the execute button, the legend and values of left Y axis gets bolder and bolder as if the plot isn’t replaced and the more I push the botton, the slower gets matlab.

problem with second y axis in gui matlab

axes(handles.axes2); %make axes2 the current axis
x1=r (1,:);
y1=C (1,:);
%Plot the followings in the current axis
hl1=line(x1, y1,'Color','r');
hl2=line(x1, y2,'Color','b');
hl3=line(x1, y3,'Color','m');
hl4=line(x1, y4,'Color','m','Marker','o');
hl5=line(x1, y5,'Color','c');
hl6=line(x1, y6,'Color','k');
grid ('on')
legend ('r','c','s','R','T', 'Q');
set (gca, 'XTick',0:10:100 );
set (gca, 'YTick',0:10:80);
xlabel ('A');
ylabel ('B');
xlim([Min_A Max_A]) %Optional input for Minimum and Maximum A
ylim([Min_B Max_B]) %Optional input for Minimum and Maximum B
handles.ax3=axes('Units','character'); %create a new axis and set units to be character
set(handles.ax3, 'Position',get(handles.axes2,'Position'),'YAxisLocation','right','Color','none', 'YColor','k'); %position the new axis on axes2
linkaxes([handles.axes2 handles.ax3],'x'); %link x axis of axes2 and ax3
hl7=line(x1, y7,'Color','g','Parent',handles.ax3); % plot on ax3
ylabel (handles.ax3,'Angle [^{\circ}]')
legend (handles.ax3,'Angle');

Best Answer

Abdul - have you tried clearing the axes before drawing to it again? You are plotting six new lines each time this pushbutton is pressed so you may want to explicitly delete the old ones before replacing with new ones. Or, just re-use the existing ones and replace their data.
Also, it seems as if you are creating a new axes object each time that the user presses this button
Why not re-use the one that you had previously instead of creating a new one? Or, at the very least, delete the old one before replacing it.