MATLAB: I there any built in tool in MATLAB that perform Principle Component Analysis

pcapcacovpcaresprinciple component analysis

I am fairly new with PCA and Matlab.
I am trying to perform principle component analysis to reduce a data set that have 18 features to the 2 or 3 principle components and then using them to build clusters to classify several faults in a system. I have 270 samples for each feature. I have 10 faults, each 27 samples represent a specific fault in the system.
I am planning to train and test the algorithm to make sure that my algorithm can identify theses faults. It is very important for me that I get all the factors that are used in the linear correlation to calculate the first, second and third principle components so that after building my cluster I can use them to calculate the principle components when receiving the 18 features from the system then see in which cluster they belong.
I am trying write a code that calculates all the matrices from scratch to do PCA, but if there is any built in tool in Matlab for PCA, it will save me a lot of time.
Is there any? and if so is there any tutorials on how to use it?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Matlab's PCA is called
You can find out using
lookfor principal
Which results in my system in
pcacov - Principal Components Analysis (PCA) using a covariance matrix.
pcares - Residuals from a Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
princomp - Principal Components Analysis (PCA) from raw data.
orthoregdemo - Fitting an Orthogonal Regression Using Principal Components Analysis
pcrsse - SSE for Principal Components Regression cross-validation.
plspcrdemo - Partial Least Squares Regression and Principal Components Regression
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