MATLAB: I simulated the following function on matlab. now trying to simulate it on simulink. in the uploaded image the simulink block structure can be seen where i assumed a constant for (Tb),but i should implement it as a function shown in the matlab text

function blocksimulink

function dudt = first_order2(u,kd,cd,ct,Tt,Jt,Jb,WOB,Ls,Lk,Ld,Lstr)
% u(1) = ot; u(2) = wt; u(3) = ob; u(4) = wb
%R = 0.0492;
%dc = 3.7186;
Tst = cd * (u(2) - u(4)) + kd *(u(1) - u(3));
Tcf = (2/3) * Ls * WOB;
%if u(4) * Ld <= 0.3
% fun = @(r) 2 * WOB / R^2 * (r.^2. * ((Lk/R) + ((Ls/R) - (Lk/R))*exp(-dc*u(4)*r)));
% Tdr = integral(fun,0,R);
Tdr = ((2/3) * Lk * WOB) + (2 * WOB * (Ls - Lk) / (Ld^3 * u(4)^3)) * (2 - exp(-Ld*u(4)) * (Ld^2 * u(4)^2 + 2 * Ld * u(4) + 2)) + (0.5 * WOB * Lstr * u(4));
if abs(u(4)) <= 0.001 && Tst < Tcf
Tb = sign(u(4))*Tst;
elseif abs(u(4)) <= 0.001 && Tst >= Tcf
Tb = sign(u(4))*Tcf;
elseif abs(u(4)) > 0.001
Tb = sign(u(4))*Tdr;
dudt = zeros(4,1);
dudt(1) = u(2);
dudt(2) =(-(cd + ct) * u(2) + cd * u(4) - kd * u(1) + kd * u(3) + Tt) / Jt;
dudt(3) = u(4);
dudt(4) = (cd * u(2) - cd * u(4) + kd * u(1) - kd * u(3) - Tb) / Jb;

Best Answer

You have a couple options for implementing the Tb variable. One possibility is to use Switch Block to mimic the if conditions. Another one is to use Matlab Function Block and type your if statements inside to change Tb values.
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