MATLAB: I receiving the installer error “There was an unexpected exception: Com.mathwa​rks.Win32.​getFirstDr​ive()Ljava​/lang/Stri​ng”


Why am I receiving the following error when I run the MATLAB installer:
Unknown Exception: There was an unexpected exception: Com.mathwarks.Win32.getFirstDrive()Ljava/lang/String;

Best Answer

As a possible workaround to this issue, install vcredist_x86.exe manually, using the following procedure:
NOTE: The file must be run with Administrator rights, or the installation will not proceed.
Navigate to $INSTALLER\win32\bin\win32 (where $INSTALLER represents either the DVD folder or the folder where you downloaded the installer and .zip files) and run the vcredist_x86.exe file. Once vcredist_x86.exe finishes installing the libraries, try running the installer again.