MATLAB: I need to write a script extracts the average intensity of each object in the rice.png. My use of regionprops has failed.


I = imread('Rice.png'); %imports the image
Background = imopen(I,strel('disk',15)); %removes the rice and displays the background as its own entity
I2=I-Background; %removes the background from the image
I3 = imadjust(I2); %increases the contrast of the image
bw = im2bw(I3); %creats a binary image
bw2= bwareaopen(bw, 50); %removes the noise from the image
cc = bwconncomp(bw2, 4); %finds the connected part of the image and determins if they are the same or different
cc.NumObjects % counts the objects
bw3=bwlabel(bw2,4); %converts the image into a labeled bw code
bwlabel2rgb=label2rgb(bw3); %converts above into rgb, without above the image is the same colour
imshow(bwlabel2rgb); %displays image
gray = rgb2gray(bwlabel2rgb);
measurements = regionprops( bw,gray, 'MeanIntensity');
Here is my current code but I have no idea what the issue is, could someone please point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

You have your own regionprops.m file in \\student\USR\Vol4\bc\Documents\MATLAB\regionprops.m that is interfering with using the MATLAB regionprops.m