MATLAB: I need to plot B = (cos(X))^m; for m=1-20 and X at viewing angles 10degrees, 20 degrees, and 45 degrees. I am new to matlab and can’t get the code right.

fiber optic communications

>> B = (cos(X))^m;
Undefined function or variable 'X'.
>> X = [10 20 45];
>> m = [1:20];
>> B = (cos(X))^m;
Error using ^
Inputs must be a scalar and a square matrix.
To compute elementwise POWER, use POWER (.^) instead.
>> B = (cos(X)).^m;
Error using .^
Matrix dimensions must agree.
>> X = [10, 20, 45];
>> B = (cos(X)).^m;
Error using .^
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Best Answer

You mean
X = [10 20 45]';
m = [1:20];
B = bsxfun(@power, cosd(X), m)
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