MATLAB: I need to know how to select values from a 2×365 array

columnhelpmatrixmatrix manipulation

hey i have a 2×365 array and i know that if you use column_1= data (1:365) to select the data in the first column but how would i input it to get all of the data for the secound column

Best Answer

No, if you have a 2 x 365 array, then column_1 = data(1:365) would get you the first 182 full columns and the first row of the 183'rd column as well. To get the first column you would use data(:,1) which will get you a 2 x 1 vector. The second column would be data(:,2) which would get you a 2 x 1 vector.
I suspect you are looking for rows rather than columns. row_1 = data(1,:); row_2 = data(2,:); and each of those would be 1 x 365.