MATLAB: I need to know how to organize a find statement into a set order with characters instead of it’s number’s. I want information to come out like below.

findmatlab function

A=[18 33 31 34 15 37 10.5 48 50 38 35 39 42 33 31 1 5 9 13 11 27 35 -1 46 22 6 19 36];
%newscrip below
function [fruit_fin]=Program05b(volt)
O=[find(volt>=31 & volt<=40,28)]
G=[find(volt>=21 & volt<=30,28)]
P=[find(volt>=11 & volt<=20,28)]
A=[find(volt>=0 & volt<=10,28)]
U=[find(volt<0 | 40<volt,28)]
% anwers % I know how to get it into a table.
18 P
33 O
31 O
34 O
15 P
37 O
10.5 P
48 U
50 U
38 O
35 O
39 O
42 U
33 O
31 O
1 A
5 A
9 A
13 P
11 P
27 G
35 O
-1 U
46 U
22 G
6 A
19 P
36 O

Best Answer

discretize your data.
A=[18 33 31 34 15 37 10.5 48 50 38 35 39 42 33 ...
31 1 5 9 13 11 27 35 -1 46 22 6 19 36];
edges = [-Inf 0 11 21 31 41 Inf];
bins = {'U', 'A', 'P', 'G', 'O', 'U'};
results = discretize(volt, edges, bins);
Elements in volt in the range [-Inf, 0) will map to 'U' in results. I tried to indicate that with spacing in the code above, where U is between -Inf and 0.
Elements in volt in the range [0, 11) will map to 'A' in results. The other bins behave similarly until you reach the last one.
The last bin is special. Elements in volt in the range [41, Inf] will map to 'U' in results. The last bin contains both its endpoints, not just the left one.