MATLAB: I need to find the orientation of a fingerprint.I have a code that uses gaussian filter that I got from but I’m getting a weird error that I cant figure out what to do about.

digital image processingimage processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLABorientation extraction

function [orientim, reliability] = ...
ridgeorient(im, gradientsigma, blocksigma, orientsmoothsigma)
[rows,cols] = size(im);
% Calculate image gradients.
sze = fix(6*gradientsigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, gradientsigma); % Generate Gaussian filter.
[x,y] = gradient(f); % Gradient of Gausian.
Gx = filter1(fx, im); % Gradient of the image in x
Gy = filter1(fy, im); % ... and y
% Estimate the local ridge orientation at each point by finding the
% principal axis of variation in the image gradients.
Gxx = Gx.^2; % Covariance data for the image gradients
Gxy = Gx.*Gy;
Gyy = Gy.^2;
% Now smooth the covariance data to perform a weighted summation of the
% data.
sze = fix(6*blocksigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, blocksigma);
Gxx = filter2(f, Gxx);
Gxy = 2*filter2(f, Gxy);
Gyy = filter2(f, Gyy);
% Analytic solution of principal direction
denom = sqrt(Gxy.^2 + (Gxx - Gyy).^2) + eps;
sin2theta = Gxy./denom; % Sine and cosine of doubled angles
cos2theta = (Gxx-Gyy)./denom;
sze = fix(6*orientsmoothsigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, orientsmoothsigma);
cos2theta = filter2(f, cos2theta); % Smoothed sine and cosine of
sin2theta = filter2(f, sin2theta); % doubled angles
orientim = pi/2 + atan2(sin2theta,cos2theta)/2;
??? Undefined function or method 'conv2' for input arguments of type 'double' and attributes 'full 3d real'.
Error in ==> filter2 at 73 y = conv2(hcol, hrow, x, shape);
Error in ==> ridgeorient at 56 Gxx = filter2(f, Gxx);

Best Answer

Is your image possibly an RGB (truecolor) image? That code is not designed to support that. Try using rgb2gray() on your original image and passing that grayscale image to this routine.