MATLAB: I need help setting the current directory and loading data.

cdcurrent directorydatadata filedata vectordirectoryload

UPDATE: I have solved the issue and no longer need any help! 🙂
I keep trying to set my current directory and load the data like this:
>> cd '/Users/marymadelynnlupton/Desktop/FALL 2020/Probs. & Stats./MatLab Projects/Project 2'
load ECE2523_Project2_Data; %loading newSurveyData to my workspace
But I keep getting this error:
Error using load
Unable to read file 'ECE2523_Project2_Data'. No such file or directory.
I am not sure what's going on. I am positive I saved the data file it in the same directory as my script is saved.

Best Answer

% if true
% code
% end
>> pwd
>> ls *.*
at the command window After setting the folder path where you saved the files
Then locate the file which you want to load into workspace