MATLAB: I need help please

matrix array

I'm currently working on a project which has numbers assigned to each letter and i'm trying to create an array of each letter with its corresponding number below it so that when i try sorting the numbers from highest to lowest the letters get arranged as well but it's not working out for me here is my code
% code
n=input('please enter the number of mud types you have ');
for i=1:n
x(i)=input('please enter the name of the mud in the order you want ','s');
for j=1:n
y(j)=input('please enter the number of the mud in the order you want ');

Best Answer

Using a cell string would allow to names with more than 1 character also.
n = input('please enter the number of mud types you have ');
Str = cell(1, n); % Pre-allocate!!!

y = zeros(1, n); % Pre-allocate!!!
for k = 1:n
Str{k} = input('please enter the name of the mud in the order you want ','s');
for k = 1:n
y(k) = input('please enter the number of the mud in the order you want ');
[ySorted, index] = sort(y, 'ascending');
StrSorted = Str(index);