MATLAB: I need an established reference on optimizing Matlab code.

MATLABmatlab optimization

I'm working on a project that uses Matlab for functional prototyping of producton applications. The initial phase is developing Matlab code to verify algorithms. The 2nd phase is using the verified code for limited production stress testing. Moderate performance objectives must also be met. Phase 3 involves an expanded # of key applications to be extensively production stress tested. In Phase 4 all applications that satisfy Phase 3 testing are released for production. In Phase 5 performance is the critical key performance metric (KPM) for success. Hence, continuous code optimization is done.
Can you recommend documents on optimizing Matlab code? Text books, whitepapers and, ideally, Mathworks documents are of interest.

Best Answer

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but here are some resources I'm aware of:
  1. MATLAB Performance Optimization
  2. Performance and Memory
  3. Techniques to Improve Performance
  4. Optimizing and Accelerating your MATLAB Code