MATLAB: I’ m unable to run cpp code in Matlab using mex command. I’m getting following errors.

mex commnand

Error combatgun2.c: 2280 undeclared identifier `new' Error combatgun2.c: 2280 operands of = have illegal types `pointer to COMBATSTATE' and `int' Warning combatgun2.c: 2280 possible usage of new before definition Error combatgun2.c: 2280 syntax error; found `COMBATSTATE' expecting `;'
What should I do? I tried alot. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I think you should name your file with the .cpp extension if you have C++ code in it, so the compiler knows to treat it like one. The error about "undeclared identifier `new' " seems to suggest that it is currently compiling as C code. Also make sure that you have selected a compiler that can handle C++ with "mex -setup" (for example, the LCC compiler that ships with MATLAB on 32-bit Windows installation is a C-only compiler).
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