MATLAB: I m new to glcm and neural network… what i want to know that i have excracted features through glcm now i want to add these features to neural network how can i do this

Deep Learning ToolboxglcmImage Processing Toolboxneural network

a=imread('1.jpg'); b=rgb2gray(a); c=imresize(b,[128,128]); glcm1 = graycomatrix(c,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats1 = graycoprops(glcm1,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'});
d=imread('2.jpg'); e=rgb2gray(d); f=imresize(e,[128,128]); glcm2 = graycomatrix(f,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats2 = graycoprops(glcm2,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'});
g=imread('3.jpg'); h=rgb2gray(g); i=imresize(h,[128,128]); glcm3 = graycomatrix(i,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats3 = graycoprops(glcm3,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'});
j=imread('4.jpg'); k=rgb2gray(j); l=imresize(k,[128,128]); glcm4 = graycomatrix(l,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats4 = graycoprops(glcm4,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'});
m=imread('5.jpg'); n=rgb2gray(m); p=imresize(n,[128,128]); glcm5 = graycomatrix(p,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats5 = graycoprops(glcm5,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'});
x=imread('7.jpg'); y=rgb2gray(x); z=imresize(y,[128,128]); glcm6 = graycomatrix(z,'Offset',[0 1;-1 1;1 1]); stats6 = graycoprops(glcm6,{'Contrast','Correlation','Energy','Homogeneity'}); ahmed=stats6; sanwal=[stats1; stats2; stats3; stats4; stats5];
stats1 stats2 stats3 stats4 stats5 sanwal

Best Answer

Once you have N instances of I-dimensional inputs and corresponding O-dimensional target outputs
[ I N ] = size(x)
[ O N ] = size(t)
just go to BOTH help and doc documentations in the NNToolbox.
The appropriate functions are
FITNET for regression and curve-fitting
PATTERNNET for classification and pattern-recognition
Hope this helps.
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