MATLAB: I m facing error in when i use “create tetrahedron” command than volume calculations , i found this coding in Examples of matlab (i m beginner just started learning)

i m just started learning about

function vol = tetrahedronVolume(vertices, varargin)
%TETRAHEDRONVOLUME Signed volume of a tetrahedron

% VOL = tetrahedronVolume(TETRA)
% Comptues the siged volume of the tetrahedron TETRA defined by a 4-by-4
% array representing the polyhedron vertices.
% Example
% vi = [0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1];
% tetrahedronVolume(vi)
% ans =

% 0.1667
% [V F] = createTetrahedron;
% tetrahedronVolume(V)
% ans =
% -.3333
% See also
% meshes3d, createTetrahedron, meshVolume
% ------
% Author: David Legland
% e-mail:
% Created: 2012-04-05, using Matlab (R2009b)
% Copyright 2012 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
if nargin == 2
tetras = varargin{1};
nTetras = size(tetras, 1);
vol = zeros(nTetras, 1);
for i = 1:nTetras
tetra = tetras(i,:);
vol(i) = det(bsxfun(@minus, vertices(tetra(2:4),:), vertices(tetra(1),:))) / 6;
% control on inputs
if nargin == 4
vertices = [vertices ; varargin{1} ; varargin{2} ; varargin{3}];
if size(vertices, 1) < 4
error('Input vertex array requires at least 4 vertices');
% compute volume of tetrahedron, using first vertex as origin
vol = det(vertices(2:4,:) - vertices([1 1 1],:)) / 6;

Best Answer

This function is working very fine...I am suspecting you have made a mistake while calling the the following:
1. Copy the function into a mfile..and save it (on name tetrahedronVolume.m) in a folder.
2. Go to the folder, where this file is saved and call the function as below:
vi = [0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1];
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