MATLAB: I keep getting the error “subscript must either be real positive integers or logicals” even when I place an ‘if’ statement

errorif statementreal positive integer

It seems I keep getting the error "subscript must either be real positive integers or logicals".
This must be because I have started of from i = 1, hence i – 1 = 0 and thats where the problem is. I thought that my ' if ' loop would have solved that issue, but it does not seem to be working.
Thank you,
My script is below:
S = 1.7*1.2*ones(1, 10);
Tout = 5
ma = 1
ca = 2
DTM = 1
deltat = 1
index = 1:30;
SQAmb = zeros(numel(index), numel(S));
QAmb_Total = zeros(size(index));
deltaTin = zeros(size(index));
Tin = zeros(size(index));
%for loop
for i = index
if (i)==1
Tin(i) = 20
Tin(i) = Tin(i-1)+deltaTin(i)
SQAmb(i,:) = S*U*(Tout-Tin(i));
%Total Ambient Load in Array Form
QAmb_Total(i) = sum(SQAmb(i,:))
%change in air cabin temperature where deltat is timestep
deltaTin(i) = (QAmb_Total(i)/((ma*ca)+DTM))*(deltat)
%New car cabin temperature
Tin(i) = Tin(i-1)+deltaTin(i)

Best Answer

I thought that my ' if ' loop would have solved that issue, but it does not seem to be working.
It is working in the if block, but not afterwards.
The line that throws the error is:
%New car cabin temperature
Tin(i) = Tin(i-1)+deltaTin(i)