MATLAB: I how to divide target data for feed forward network.

feed forward net

I have solved lorenz equation and got value of x,y,z. Then I have divided x ,y,z data into inputX, inputY, inputZ data and target into targetX,targetY,targetZ data. All input and target data are separate matrix of size 1*20000.
Now I have to train the neural network by dividing each target data into trainInd,valInd,testInd of size 1*15000, 1*2000 and 1*3000 respectively. please tell me how to do this.

Best Answer

I don't believe a 20K dataset is needed to train/val/test the net. I recommend designing with smaller multiple sets of data and testing on the rest. The amount of design data can be increased until successful.
size(input) = [3 N]
size(target) = [3 N ]
Hope this helps