MATLAB: I have written a code to calculate color histogram of an color image..but i donot the meaning of each and every line.can anyone tell me the meaning of each line?

colorcolor classificationcolor segmentationfillhistogramhold onImage Processing Toolboxpixels

[index, map]=rgb2ind(I,65300); pixels= prod(size(index)); hsv=rgb2hsv(map); h = hsv(:,1); s = hsv(:,2); v = hsv(:,3); darks = find(v <.2)'; lights = find(s < .05 & v > .85)'; h([darks lights])= -1; disp(length(darks)) black = length(darks)/pixels; white = length(lights)/pixels; red = length(find((h >.9167 | h <=.083) & h~=-1))/pixels; yellow=length(find(h >.083 & h<=.25))/pixels; green=length(find(h > .25 & h<= .4167))/pixels; cyan= length(find(h > .4167 & h<= .5833))/pixels; blue=length(find(h > .5833 & h <= .75))/pixels; magenta=length(find(h > .75 & h <= .9167))/pixels; disp('Red=') disp(red) disp('Blue=') disp(blue) a(i,1)=red a(i,2)=green a(i,3)=blue a(i,4)=yellow a(i,5)=cyan a(i,6)=magenta a(i,7)=black a(i,8)=white end dlmwrite('fr.mat',a) b=dlmread('fr.mat') hold on fill([0 0 1 1], [0 red red 0], 'r') fill([1 1 2 2],[0 yellow yellow 0], 'y') fill([2 2 3 3],[0 green green 0], 'g') fill([3 3 4 4],[0 cyan cyan 0], 'c') fill([4 4 5 5],[0 blue blue 0], 'b') fill([5 5 6 6],[0 magenta magenta 0], 'm') fill([6 6 7 7],[0 white white 0], 'w') fill([7 7 8 8],[0 black black 0], 'k') axis([0 8 0 1])

Best Answer

But it looks like it's trying to classify an image into verious color classes and get the area fractions (in a very inefficient way) of each color class.