MATLAB: I have solved the question but there is an error… plz give me a solution


Write a function called neighbor that takes as input a row vector called v and creates another row vector as output that contains the absolute values of the differences between neighboring elements of v. For example, if v == [1 2 4 7], then the output of the function would be [1 2 3]. Notice that the length of the output vector is one less than that of the input. Check that the input v is indeed a vector and has at least two elements and return an empty array otherwise. You are not allowed to use the diff built-­‐in function.
function d = neighbor(v)
for ii = 1:length(v)-1
d(ii) = abs(v(ii+1) - v(ii));
Feedback: Your function performed correctly for argument(s) [1 2 3 4]
Feedback: Your function performed correctly for argument(s) [2 1]
Feedback: Your function performed correctly for argument(s) [1 -2 3]
Feedback: Your function performed correctly for argument(s) [5 -3 6 -7 1 4 -4 6 -5 -1]
Feedback: Your function performed correctly for argument(s) [0.775665774190202 0.46043860784642 0.637754980094595 0.21592913366455 0.0321676971373623 0.777337876450925 0.979770397784413 0.221076297004035 0.063923583412422 0.129378479212439]
Feedback: Your function made an error for argument(s) [1 2;3 4]
Your solution is _not_ correct.

Best Answer

The question is: "a function [...] that takes as input a row vector [...]". But [1 2;3 4] is not a row vector. Therefore your function is correct, but the feedback test is wrong.
So what do you want to do? Do you want to create a function which satisfies the question or the automatic test?
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