MATLAB: I have S= 6*3 matrix and i want to give sequencial name to each element like s(1,1)=p1 ….s(1,2)=p2…

MATLABmatrixmatrix indexing

i have random 6*3 matrix and want to give name to each element in sequence like i call p1 than show me the data of s(1,1)

Best Answer

You just need to iterate over the elements of an array? That's easy with linear indexing and does not require creating many scalar variables.
M = magic(5)
for whichElement = 1:numel(M)
fprintf('Element %d of M is %d.\n', whichElement, M(whichElement));
Note that this walks down the columns of M first since MATLAB is column-major. But if you need to walk across the rows first, transpose M. Walking down the columns of the transpose of M is like walking across the rows of M itself.
M = magic(5)
Mt = M.';
% Note that I displayed M but I'm indexing into Mt in the code below.
for whichElement = 1:numel(Mt)
fprintf('Element %d of M (row-wise) is %d.\n', whichElement, Mt(whichElement));
Also note that the for loop does not need to change at all if I want to display (or operate on) a different sized or shaped M matrix. The only change I would need to make would be to the definition of M itself.