MATLAB: I have one value of “strain(:,:,1)” in 3*1 matrix. i need value of strain(:,:,2), strain(:,:​,3)…….​strain(:,:​,N) means nth each layer i need same value of strain. how can i copy value of strain for nth term.

arraycell arraysMATLABmatrix array

ans =

Best Answer

This would have been so much easier if you hadn't wanted the result to be per layer. What I would have suggested is using
T = arrayfun(@(pane) q(:,:,pane) * curvature, 1 : size(q,3), 'Uniform', 0);
curveatureqi = cell2mat( T );
Notice the lack of the reshape(), which was only needed to get the answer to be per layer. With this version, the result is going to be a 3 x 20 array which you can then easily index into.
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