MATLAB: I have matrix F (x,y coordinates), which is 1000*2 matrix. i calculated distances between coordinates using PDIST2 command. i want coordinates which are at distance greater than 22

colordigital signal processing

F = [x5;y5]'; % x,y coordinates
distances = pdist2(F,F); %% claculating distances between every coordinate to all other coodinates
closepoints = distances > 22; %% checking the condition
result = find(closepoints==1); %%
based on the logical condition how to get the coordinates (x,y) which are grater than 22

Best Answer

One possible solution would be like this:
F = [x5;y5]'; % x,y coordinates
D = pdist(F); % pdist function is suitable in this case
idx = squareform(D) > 22;
[p1,p2] = find(triu(idx));
Then, F(p1(i),:) and F(p2(i),:) (for i = 1, ..., numel(p1)) will give the coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) whose distance are grater than 22.