MATLAB: I have Matlab2017 and I keep on loosing the scripts im creating.


I am saving it in the 'User' section and when I try to retrieve it, I get a strange code instead. How can I save my scripts without loosing them or having them changed?

Best Answer

The images you have posted do not show any scripts. We really need to see how lalala.m was generated.
Your screenshot of the Editor window with lalala.m indicates that the contents of lalala.m is really that of a .mat file. Also, your "Current Folder" window shows no file called lula.mat, even though the Command Window shows that you have used the save() command to create such a file.
I have the vague impression that you are using the save() command to save what you have done at the command line and then you are changing the .mat extension of the resulting file to .m. Then you are somehow re-opening the .m file with the editor. That is wrong, of course.