MATLAB: I have made different functions as separate .m files and i want to include or call all these functions or .m files in the main .m file please any help

appliances schedulingMATLAB

I have made different functions as separate .m files and i want to include or call all these functions or .m files in my main .m file please any help? Walter the link you referred contains good code with many functions so how all these functions i include in my code or call in order to use its functtionality

Best Answer

Make sure that:
Then you can simply call the function from any script or function, just like you would any other function. It really is that simple.
Here is an example:
function out = myfun(x,y)
out = x^2 - y^3;
and I save this using the filename myfun.m, then I can call it like this, from any other function or script:
a = 1;
b = 2;
val = myfun(a,b)
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