MATLAB: I have heard that publishing your code to Mathworks is equivalent to publishing your article

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If its true then which option is the best Publish command in Matlab interface or file exchange?

Best Answer

No. It simply is not equivalent. Whoever told you that is wrong. Posting your code on the file exchange is NOT equivalent to writing a paper in a refereed journal. Not even close.
In order to have a paper appear in a journal, you need to get it past editors, referees. They all need to accept it. They all need to agree that your work is worthwhile, that it has some semblance of validity, that it belongs in that journal.
To post something on the file exchange, you click a few buttons. There is a HUGE difference.
To the extent that your work attracts the attention of someone willing to spend the time to review your submission on the file exchange, it can get SOME amount of peer review. But even then, I see a tremendous number os postings that are complete dreck, yet still get 5 star ratings. Sadly, there is no requirement that someone must have any knowledge of a subject to give it high ratings.
And finally, if you post only the equivalent of an article on the file exchange, it is very likely to get poor ratings for no other reason that that it has noMATLAB code provided. The file exchange is a place where useful tools (m-files) can be exchanged.
So if your goal is to publish a paper, then find a journal that would like to publish your work. Then make the effort to write a paper that is worth reading.
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