MATLAB: I have few excel program that I needed to be read by MATLAB. Now I want to enter the file name as an input. How to make Matlab read that input file name

fileinputinput file

I have an excel program which contains different sheets and I need Matlab to read the data in each sheet one by one. I am required to put the file name (excel file) as an input and need Matlab to read the input variable. How do I do it?

Best Answer

xlsfinfo will get you a list of sheet names into your Excel file.
[~,sheets] = xlsfinfo(filename);
Then you can use xlsread to read data from each specific sheet.
A more elegant way (that I suggest) is to learn how to use ActiveX to parse data from your Excel e.g.
filename = 'C:\SomeExcelFile.xls';
% Open Excel Automation server
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
% Make Excel visible
% Open Excel file
Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(filename);
% Get the list of sheets in the workbook
Sheets = Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets;
% Save the file
% Quit Excel, remove the COM server and delete the related objects