MATLAB: I have been plotting a optical mask and using the fft function for circular aperture, but i am un able to code for the vertical slit aperture and horizontal slit aperture. Help regarding this is much helpful

diffractionfftimage processingImage Processing Toolboxoptics

n = 2^10; % size of mask
M = zeros(n);
I = 1:n;
x = I-n/2; % mask x-coordinates
y = n/2-I; % mask y-coordinates
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % create 2-D mask grid
R = 10; % aperture radius
A = (X.^2 + Y.^2 <= R^2); % circular aperture of radius R
M(A) = 1; % set mask elements inside aperture to 1
imagesc(M) % plot mask
axis image
DP = fftshift(fft2(M));
axis image
axis image

Best Answer

Use ones() and zeros() to create a slit in a background. Then use fft2().