MATLAB: I have ( An ) matrix, I need generalised algorithm to calculate An-1 = An *B. Here An-1, An, and B are matrices.

generalised algorithm

For example, I have A3 matrix, such that i want to calculate matrices of A2, A1. A2= A3*B, A1=A2*B, here B is a matrix….. For matrix (An), I need generalised algorithm to calculate matrices An-1, An-2….A3, A2, A1, An-1=An*B, An-2= An-1*B ………A2=A1*B respectively.

Best Answer

You have A3, and you want to compute A2 and A1?
A2 = A3*B;
A1 = A2*B;
You want a general "algorithm"?
DON'T DO IT. Don't create numbered variables. That is just a bad idea. I know, you want to. DON'T DO IT.
Instead, learn to use multidimensional arrays. Or, learn to use cell arrays.
B = rand(3,3);
An = rand(3,3);
n = 10;
A = zeros(3,3,10);
A(:,:,n) = An;
for i = n-1:-1:1
A(:,:,i) = A(:,:,i+1)*B;
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