MATLAB: I have an ecg signal image, how to i get the parameters of the same

digital image processingecg

this is my image wherein i need to know the duration at qrs wave.

Best Answer

First, the time base is in seconds, not milliseconds. You can verify that by measuring the single R-R interval (0.85 s to my calphers).
The record is a Lead II rhythm strip. Normal sinus rhythm, rate 71 bpm. Both complete QRS complexes are 0.2 seconds (upper limit of the normal QRS is 0.12 seconds) with prominent S-waves. The QT segment is 0.38 seconds, approaching the upper limit of normal (0.4 s). The PR interval is 0.13 (normal 0.2 s). The T amplitude appears to be high. No pathological Q-waves or ST-T segment abnormalities are seen. The U-wave is prominent.
IMPRESSION: Abnormal EKG with short PR interval, intraventricular conduction delay characterised by pathologically prolonged QRS complexes, normal QT, elevated T-wave, and prominent U-wave consistent with hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia or drug effect. Suggest clinical correlation.
— Star Strider, M.D., Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine