MATLAB: I have a vector with classificaition points of various cars and I want to list that classification, how can I do that


So let me explain. I have a vector with points corresponding to vehicles, for example:
vehicle 1= 200 pts vehicle 2= 190 pts vehicle 3= 300 pts, so the vector is points=[200;190;300].
The car with more points wins so I want to find a vector [2;3;1], in this case vehicle 1 is in second place, vehicle 2 is third place and vehicle 3 is in first place.
How can I do that?

Best Answer

Try this:
points=[200, 190, 300] % Sample data.
[sortedPoints, sortOrder] = sort(points, 'descend')
for car = 1 : length(sortOrder)
carsPosition(car) = find(sortOrder == car);
% Show in command window: