MATLAB: I have a straight line(X1,Y1) (X2,Y2). I want to know the coordinates of all the points present on the straight line. I have another random line along the straight line. I have to calculate the Mean Squared Error between the two lines. How do i do

mean square errorplottingstraightline

I have a straight line(X1,Y1) (X2,Y2). I want to know the coordinates of all the points present on the straight line. I have another random line along the straight line. I have to calculate the Mean Squared Error between the two lines. How do i do it?

Best Answer

p1 = [0 0] ;
p2 = [1 2] ;
% get slope
m = (p2(2)-p1(2))/(p2(1)-p1(1)) ;
% get between points
xi = p1(1):0.01:p2(1) ;
yi = p1(2)+m*(xi-p1(1)) ;
p12 = [p1 ;p2] ;
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