MATLAB: I have a question in image processing, this code shows how to add noise to the image and then retrieve it again … The problem when retrieving the image error occurs and show the image that was retrieved in white

forgot [] in imshowimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

img = imread( ('eight.tif') ); % read image, use gray-level images here.
A = imnoise(img,'Gaussian',0,1);
IMG = fft2( img ); % Fourier of img
sz = size( img );
G = fspecial('gaussian' ,[5,5]); % create a filter with std sigma same size as img
%# Filter it
h = imfilter(A,G,'same');
H = fft2( h ); % Fourier of filter
F = IMG.*H; % filter in Fourier space
f = ifft2( F ); % back to spatial domain.
figure, imagesc(f);title('Gaussian filter in Frequency Domain')
figure,imshow(img),title('Original Image');
figure,imshow(A),title('Noisy Image');
% Calculate MSE, mean square error.
img =im2double(img);
f =im2double(f);
[M N] = size(img);
error0 = img - f;
Mean_Square_Error = sum(sum(error0 .* error0)) / (M * N)

Best Answer

The result of
img = imread( ('eight.tif') ); % read image, use gray-level images here.
is almost certainly going to be one of the integer data types.
The result of
f = ifft2( F ); % back to spatial domain.
is going to be double precision.
>> min(f(:)),max(f(:))
ans =
ans =
... that is not even in the same range.
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