MATLAB: I have a question about RESAMPLE

resample code

when I resample some data,I found that the picture of the start and the end of the resampled-data maybe error,they are shaking,just like drifting
my code:
data2 = resample(data,2,1);
this is the image of the raw data
this is the image of the data after RESAMPLE
U can see some lines are not on the ring.the under part of the ring is the start of the 'data2'. on the right side of the ring is the end of the 'data2'.
this picture is the (1:100) of the 'data2' and 'data' and the red line is the 'data',the blue line is the 'data2'
my question is why can see the fluctuation.

Best Answer

This is an interesting remark, however in Documentation, it was mentioned that re-sampling has side effect because of filtering process, the edges of the re sampled vector are deviated.
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