MATLAB: I have a problem with surface parameters (fsurf)

fsurffunctionsplotsurfsurface plot

Hello there, this is my first time using this site for help so if i don't get the etiquette right please do let me know. OK so i am trying to plot the following surface f(x,y)= (3*x^2+y^2)*exp(-x-y) with intervals -2 < x < 2 and -2 < y < 2 i have produced the following code:
syms x y
f(x,y) = (3*x^2+y^2)*exp(-y-x);
fsurf(f,[-2 2 -2 2])
However the results are terrible i have tried changing the parameters and tried using a mesh but i get nowhere. Now i have been using a tool online called Calcplot3D see here this tool displays the function how i would expect it to look, i don't understand why i can't replicate this in matlab.
Any help would be brilliant Best Regards Jake

Best Answer

syms x y %edited
f(x,y) = (3*x^2+y^2)*exp(-y-x);
xlim([-2 2])
ylim([-2 2])
zlim([-5 5])