MATLAB: I have a problem on the Mac with running the asbQuadcopter Simulink program I get the following error even though i installed everything

Aerospace BlocksetMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitequadcoptersimulink

This is the screenshot of what i get

Best Answer

The example 'asbQuadcopterStart' given at, clearly states that it requires the following toolboxes to work:
Aerospace Blockset
Optimization Toolbox
Simulink Control Design
Signal Processing Toolbox
Computer Vision Toolbox
Simulink 3D Animation
Once Verify if you have installed all these toolboxes .
So ‘designfilt’ will only be located if ' Signal Processing Toolbox' toolbox is installed and is not available in your licence .please contact the sales team for further detail
Even if the above doesn’t work
The above error may occur even when the workspace variables, which are required for the model, are deleted by mistake.
In the ‘Project Shortcuts’ tab, click the ‘Initialize Variables’ shortcut. This will initialize all the variables required for the project. Alternatively, you could execute the following command at the MATLAB Command Prompt:
>> startVars
Hope it helps.
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